Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


+256 788 936 115

Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

Monthly Archives: May 2014

After receiving the last container  that contained books, we are always eager to hear the word “container”. After few days of serious prayer Father Jean Marie Mushibwe comes and tells us that our prayers had been answered and there after mentioned of the container and this made all of us to clap our hands. Few days the container was just […]
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There are times, in our lives, when God allows things to happen and we ask: “ why has it to be this way?” The innocent who suffer. The young children who die. The parents taken way from their family by sickness and death. The cripple who drags himself on the street. The poor and the weak who suffer from injustice. […]
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