Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

Induction workshop for Don Bosco Primary School teachers

The first day, Br. Hubert Twagirayezu, the Administrator of Don Bosco – CALM and Don Bosco Primary School, took us on guided tour of Don Bosco Calm.  We saw different departments where the poor vulnerable children live.  The Chapel, the dining hall, dormitories, stores, Kitchen, the T.V room, Room for music equipments, the spacious play grounds, for foot ball, basket ball. We also had to look at the farm, poultry, Geese/ducks, the piggery, the milk cows, goats.  We also saw for ourselves big garden where Don Bosco Calm children carry out gardening activities where arrange of food crops are produced; Banana plantation, beans, maize, sweet potatoes different types of vegetables and fodder for the animals.The guided tour ran from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.  A tiring tour that gave us an insight into Bon Bosco Calm activities.  Later in the day we had joint lunch with some soft drinks (sodas).

 The second day, Fr. Jean Marie, the Rector and Director of Don Bosco Calm and Don Bosco primary School, organized a tax to transport teachers and the head teacher to Mother Majeri Boarding primary school for educational tour.  Mother Majeri boarding primary school is found in Wakiso District, kira municipal council in Bweyogerere kirinya.  It’s one of the performing schools in Wakiso District.  The school was not in session but the teachers, administrators were present at school preparing work for term 1.  On reaching we were welcomed and had a briefing from the head teacher Mr. Basembeza Peter.  In the head teachers office, the thanked us for having chosen their school and encouraged us to work hard to lift up our school, Don Bosco primary school.  He even promised to collaborate with pertaining matters of the school, exchange of exams.

 He then led us to tour the school for us to see for ourselves.  We saw how they were organized as far as classroom environment, display of teaching learning materials, pupil’s record of work, group scheming and general school program me.  Later in the day we travelled back to school, share our experiences, had joint lunch, with some drinks and the day ended well. The third day, Fr. Lazar Arasu Educationalist and Research Director St. Joseph Kamuli led us through the life of St. Don Bosco, how he received the vision at 9 years, his education until he become a priest; we were inspired by how he started the first home with one street boy. We also look at the Salesian system. The preventive method, having gone through this system, we discovered that; inflicting pain in a child becomes permanent in one’s mind, children need love, attention and patience.   Later we discover that children can learn better without corporal punishment.  It also gave us a picture that, these children need proper follows through to know them and their problems better.  It also enables a child to learn better if a teacher understands the child’s problem the background, likes and dislikes.  Later we had joint lunch and the day ended well.


The fourth day, the morning session was conducted by Fr. Elie Nyandui, the vice rector, he introduced himself gave us a brief of his experience when he was at Makerere for his master’s in education his major topic was goals of primary education.  He related the goals of primary education with the Salesian system of education.  He showed us films where corporal punishment inflicted some of the children to hate school.  It led to school dropouts, we also discovered bad effects of corporal punishment can be avoided by using preventive system which is being emphasized in the Salesian system.  We had break tea after which the next session was carried out by Mr. Joseph Wandera the Deputy Head teacher Luig Lussan High School Kireka.  His topic was on methodology of teaching in primary school.  He led us through different methodology of teaching, he then put much emphasis on what we are expected to do in Don Bosco Primary School, and much was put on educating while teaching, teaching a child through a subject and not teaching the subject.We also went through teaching strategies and learning activities expected at Don Bosco primary school.  In effectiveness of teaching strategies the following were pointed out:

          The level of the learning outcome achieved.

          The social atmosphere with the class.

          The nature of the feedback and response between the teacher and learner.

          The freedom of interaction between the teacher, the learner and teaching methods.

The following teaching methods were emphasized:-

          Direct instruction.

          Inquiry based learning.

          Co-operative learning.

We had lunch break, and the afternoon session was led by Mr. Kirya Lukman the Centre Coordinating tutor of Kyaliwajjala Centre, who took us through the overview of the Curriculum.  The three phases of the Curriculum:

          The thematic for P. 1 – P. 3.

          The transition (subject based P. 4.

          The Upper primary Curriculum P. 5- P. 7.

The phasing of the Curriculum was to cater for different class interests, abilities of different age groups, easy monitoring of learners at each new stage introduced.  Provision of feedback on the progress of learners’ concept development and skill acquisition.  He also led us through the teachers’ code of conduct, the guide lines on the teacher’s responsibility, the relationship between the teacher, the learner and community.  Having gone through the teachers’ code of conduct, every teacher was given a copy of teachers’ code of conduct.  We ended at 4:45 pm.

 The fifth  day, Fr. Jean Marie, the Rector CALM and Director of Don Bosco Primary School led us through:

The formulation of the School badge, the Motto and its significance.  The reason why to educate, religion moral upbringing, loving, kindness, love and welcoming.

We also looked at the school mission the integral upbringing which is the major aim of the school.  The Vision to nature a complete person which can fit in society with better skills.   The Core values of the school.

Later in the day Fr. Jean Marie Mushibwe the Rector CALM and Director Don Bosco Primary School officially appointed Mr. Ocom Sebastiano as Head teacher Don Bosco Primary School before the teaching staff.


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