Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

Don Bosco CALM Boys’ Performance for Term Two

As per the school calendar in Uganda under the ministry of education and sports, all primary and secondary schools got their second term holiday on 2nd /9/2016. Given the fact that we have boys at those levels, the program did not leave them aside. They are now at the Centre for their second term holiday which will end on 25th/9/2016.

It’s quite busy and lively now that the boys are around 24 hrs unlike school days when they only appear in the evening and those in boarding stay at school completely till the term ends.

At Dom Bosco CALM Namugongo, we have students almost at all levels ranging from primary, secondary, Vocational training centers and other tertiary institutions. At primary level, we send them to Kira primary and Don Bosco primary school our own school that started operating this year, Secondary level we send them to Kira senior secondary school, Majorine College and St Mary’s Namaliga and boys in VTC are sent to Kamuli and Bombo technical institutions.

Boys sat for end of term two examinations before breaking off and their performance varies in regard to their schools. The performance of students at Kira secondary and primary schools has not always been good due to the fact that they are government schools and they are not given maximum attention like private schools do. This term’s performance for the two schools was not good and there isn’t much improvement compared to last term’s performance. We plan to send boys in those schools to our own Salesian schools in the near future.

The performance of the boys in the other schools that is Majorine, St Mary’s Namaliga and Don Bosco P/S was quite good compared to the previous term most especially boys at Don Bosco primary school. Their performance greatly improved and we hope they will perform better than that given the experienced staff that attend to them.


 We extend special thanks to whoever had and still has a helping hand in terms of finance, materials, guidance and prayer towards the completion of second term.

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