Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

The child has one intuitive aim: self development



Benefactors from Germany


Yesterday we welcomed eleven visitors from Germany .It was at around 7:30 pm Ugandan time when these visitors arrived at the main gate of Don Bosco CALM where they were welcomed by the brass band of Don Bosco CALM up to the compound of boys where other presentations took place like acrobatics and different speeches from different people. Ten minutes after the arrival of the visitors, our provincial also arrived so the evening was really blessed with the presence of different visitors from different places .In the speech Br. Hubert presented to the visitors the different activities  and projects that are carried on at Don Bosco CALM where he spoke of the children and life mission as the main reason of the presence of the Salesians in Namugongo, then the primary school which started in January, then as projects he talked of the piggery farm ,ducks ,cows and goats  then banana plantations  which are used for supporting  our young boys  in terms of meat, milk and food as well .Turning his speech to the other side of it ,he talked of the challenges the mission is undergoing main in the side of Education .we have got 140 boys with us of which some are in the universities and other higher institutions of learning ,secondary schools and then the primary schools so for these boys to acquire their Education they need funds of which it is  a challenge to the Salesians taking care of these young boys .


Having an interview with one of the visitors on their main reason of visiting our community of CALM she said that they came as eleven man delegate from Germany to come and see the situations of these boys ,take their photos then go back and show  those photos and then tell the rest on how these boys survive then if possible they can send them some help however little it will be but that still is not enough to have these boys educated    

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