Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

The Salesian Games at Don Bosco Calm Namugongo.

It was a great day at Don Bosco calm Namugongo where all the daughters and sons of Don Bosco family from Uganda gathered for their annual Salesian games. That’s to say Bombo community, Kamuli community and Namugongo community. On 13th.Nov.2015, daughters and sons of Don Bosco from Kamuli arrived at Namugongo calm in the late evening. They took their supper and they were shown where they had prepared for them to sleep.

In the early morning hours of Saturday 14th.Nov.2015, we started the day with the holy Eucharist led by our rector Fr. Jean Marie. He called the Holy Spirit to guide us through out the day. By 9 oclock all the boys and girls had their breakfast and the brass band started while the participants well dressed in their sports suits matched. The games started well though weather was not good. The Kamuli girls and bombo girls were the first to play football and bombo won with 2 points. This was officiated by Brother Hubert. On the side of basketball, Fr.Jean Marie was the officiator of the game when Namugongo was versing Bombo. Namugongo managed to win Bombo with a big difference of points. At exactly 1 oclock they all went for their lunch and after they proceeded with the games. The final results were announced by Fr. Jean Marie. Bombo managed to win football both in girls and boys; Namugongo took the second position and Kamuli got zero points.

For the case of basketball boys, Namugongo took the fist position with all wins and Kamuli managed to win in girls. So the three communities all qualified for the great lakes Salesian games which will be held in Bombo come December 2015. For that note, we are very glad for our young boys who tried their level best to participate in these games and we do argue them to keep the spirit of don Bosco games. All in all the day was very good with no fights among boys and this showed some good morals in all communities.By 5:00pm all the visitors from bombo and Kamuli got back to their vehicles and departed. We thank the all the Salesians family of all the three communities who did a lot in the preparations of these games may the almighty God bless them abundantly.

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