Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

Face lift to Don Bosco CALM boys Home

For the first time in many years, most of our children were sent home in early December because of the long vacation due to impending general elections in Uganda. And so, this was a God-given opportunity to carry out major repairs for the first time in ten years since the Salesians of Don Bosco took charge of Don Bosco CALM.

Woks in Progress

To set the works in motion, Mr. Onen a Past Pupil of Don Bosco VTC-Bombo and a trust worthy-person was called to take charge of the operation. Mr. Onen is a Master Builder and has years of experience behind him. And so it was that our Rector Fr. Jean Marie Mushibwe got our few children, some twenty to clear all the Houses of beds, tables, chairs and what mattered. At first thought, our children took it as a joke, but then reality sounded and they got working in right earnest. This done, Mr. Onen and his five workers moved into action. This was systematically done. They began with House One. The flooring had given way. After hacking off the old floor and clearing the rubble, a new cement floor was laid and left to settle with water covering it. In the meanwhile, old faded paint from walls, both out side and inside, were being scrubbed off and some of us took a keen interest in the job. We learnt something. This united work was carried out to remaining Houses, Two, Three and Four.

Colour Scheme for House and Walls

Colour Paints are expensive in the market and the right colours had to be chosen. Mr. Onen together with our administrator Br. Hubert were entrusted with the task and so different colour paints were procured. Black, White, Red Oxide, Grey and Pea Nut and so this work took off in right earnest.  The ceilings in White, the walls in Cream, the lower pant of the wall Black, windows and doors Pea Nut colour as also the metal guards. Not forgotten are the Dining Room, the T.V Room, the Reading Room and the Corridors.

All in all, Don Bosco CALM has received a worthy face lift. I do pray that the Houses of the children, the T.V Room and the Dining Room be used for the right purpose. The T.V Room is not the room for eating, the Houses for restful sleep and not for chit chat or for games. I also pray the Houses and other sectors be kept clean, beds and boxes in order so that all feel at home. Good work has been achieved in a short time. Fr. Rector and Br. Hubert monitored the works closely.

Congratulations to all those who gave a face lift to Don Bosco CALM and for the pavers on the drive- way. And all this has been possible because of friends and benefactors who came forward to help us. Our Thanks to God Our  Father who has made all this possible.

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