This Friday 02nd June 2017, the pilgrims have started invading the compound of Namugongo Shrine, where 21 Catholic Ugandan Martyrs were slaughtered and burned in the fire between 1885-1887. The celebration of the Martyrs’ day is every year done on 3rd June. Many Christians from many parts of the World join the Ugandan Christians to venerate these famous Martyrs. This year our community of CALM is honored to welcome his grace, the Archbishop of Guwati, Thomas Menamparampil, sdb from India for this occasion.
Last Sunday 28 May, at CALM there was a meeting for all the past pupils of the organization (CALM). Many things to improve their lifestyle were discussed, among how to start a business venture generating enough money to survive. Father Rector of CALM was present in the meeting and promised them his continuous support.
Celebration of the Solemnity of Mary Help of Christians at CALM. Together with the boys, workers and friends of the community, the Feast was colorfully celebrated on last Saturday 27 May 2017. Fr Venuste led the Mass and after Mass, games and solemn lunch was offered to the participants.
From the left to the right side: Kato Ivan and Kakuru Derrick reporting at CALM last Firday, 26 May, from holidays, ready to start the 2nd Term on Monday 29 May at Don Bosco Primary School