Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

A Warm welcome to Auntie Annamrs and Hannamrs at Don Bosco CALM

Yesterday Tuesday 24/09/2014, at 1.00PM, two volunteers from Poland arrived at Entebbe International Airport by Ethipian Airlines. Fr. Elie Nyandwi accompanied by Uncle Charles who was driving went to welcome and bring them at destination, Don Bosco CALM.It was an ecstatic occasion both of us to meet each other. Auntie Annamrs was taken by a lot of emotions through some drops of tears flowing from her eyes. This happened when she saw us and asked us some news about her beloved children of CALM. She could translate to her companion Mademoiselle Rutkowska Hannamrs whatever news that Fr. Elie was telling her.


  For Auntie Hannamrs, it was her first time to put her feet in Africa. “So amazing”, she said when she saw the natural beauty of Uganda. Afterwards, she asked Fr. Elie about this endemic disease, Ebola, which is killing hundreds of people in the west of Africa. She was frightened when she was at the Entebbe airport because of a national project of disinfecting all passengers from abroad by washing their hands before they come out of the Airport. This is to avoid any risk of contamination of Ebola. She thought that there is Ebola disease here in Uganda. Fr. Elie tranquillized her by assuring that there is no Ebola in Uganda. Nothing to worry about.  Auntie Annamrs Juszczakiewicz, a woman of great and big heart. Her love of Jesus is burning her like fire. “I am not afraid to die any time. If Jesus wants me to die, am ready, because I do trust in Him. He is my friend and I can be happy to meet Him face to face.” She revealed to Fr. Elie when he asked her if she fears also Ebola disease. When we arrived at Don Bosco CALM home, two rooms were very well cleaned, and some warming words were already written and put in their rooms by the Rector, Fr. Jean Marie before he left for the meeting in Kigali (Rwanda) up to this coming Friday 26/09/2014. Our famous guest Aunties, Hannamrs and Annamrs were welcomed by our Don Bosco CALM Aunties (Angela and Juliana) together with some boys of P1 and P2 such as: Kirabo, Daudi, Faustino, Bashir, Franko, Denis, Richard, etc whom now are like in honeymoon period together with their beloved Aunties from Poland (Hannamrs and Annamrs). We hope that some of our boys will not dodge classes in order to stay at home surrounding the Aunties (Hanna and Anna). In the evening, brother Hubert took the two Aunties (Hanna and Anna) for a walk within our compound of CALM, showing them the works which have been done here and there, and trying to explain to them as well as possible the challenges the CALM house is facing nowadays. These Aunties were touched from the bottom their hearts and promised to cooperate with us in the daily life of Don Bosco CALM. It was around 10.30 PM that they went to rest after participating in the Holy Eucharist celebrated for them by Fr. Elie.

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