Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

Monthly Archives: September 2014

These days, the two volunteers in our community Anna and Hanna are fully committed in our Don Bosco CALM schedule. They are more than Aunties to our children and to all Salesian members of Don Bosco CALM. To call them Aunties,  it is not enough, sisters, it is very poor. Maybe, the title of Loving mothers can fit them for […]
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Yesterday Tuesday 24/09/2014, at 1.00PM, two volunteers from Poland arrived at Entebbe International Airport by Ethipian Airlines. Fr. Elie Nyandwi accompanied by Uncle Charles who was driving went to welcome and bring them at destination, Don Bosco CALM.It was an ecstatic occasion both of us to meet each other. Auntie Annamrs was taken by a lot of emotions through some drops of tears flowing from her eyes. This happened when she saw us and asked us some news about her beloved children of CALM. She could translate to her companion Mademoiselle Rutkowska Hannamrs whatever news that Fr. Elie was telling her.

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This is Children and Life for Mission. It is composed by children most of them victims of poverty and endemic sicknesses such as HIV AIDS which are victimizing the poor children without any defense
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Reverend Fr. Jean Marie MUSHIBWE now is Master in Educational Management, Policy and Planning . This Friday 12/09/2014 will remain unforgettable day for Fr. Jean Marie Mushibwe and the School of Educational Management, Policy and planning at Makerere University. Last Friday morning, Fr. Jean Marie Mushibwe, majestically dressed in suit and clergyman shirt, went to defend his book for the end of his Master’s program in Educational management, Policy and Planning. Fr. Jean Marie started writing his long essay since last April 2014. When others were given the whole 2 semesters to write and to research for their Masters project, for him, it was only the last semester. And he made it efficaciously. All his 14 classmates are still writing until now their long essay. When are they going to finish? Who knows? May be in two or three years to come. Fr. Jean Marie is a hard worker student. After he finished to write his book, the Dean of the Faculty sent it in South Africa to be censured and marked by other 2 external professors. These ones gave him a good mark of 85%. “This is unbelievable, this student Jean Marie Mushibwe is a real brilliant hard worker”, said the Dean of the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development, Professor Peter Neema informing him that his book was the best and got good marks.

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This Sunday 07/09/2014 that the Sub Parish of Ntinda has emerged as a full-fledged Parish.  Earlier, this Sub Parish was under the jurisdiction of Naggulu Parish. This new Parish is dedicated to Saint Charles Lwanga its Patron.  The event was so colorful. The Guest of Honor was the Vice President of the Republic of Uganda accpompanied by  5 ministers, members of parliaments and many other political  authorities of the country.  The Archbishop of Kampala his Grace Dr. Cyprian Kizito  Lwanga was the main Celebrant surrounded by 15 priests among them our confrere Fr. Elie Nyandwi.  As Jesus says:”New skin, New wine”. The Archbishop has appointed a young priest as parish priest of Ntinda, Reverend Father Edward Muwanga to energize the pastoral and liturgical activities there. This new Parish priest has been welcomed acclamation of joy and resounding hand clapping. He promised to be an active member of each family of the new Parish.  Our Brass band and acrobatic groups were invited to emhance the event. The parishioners and many guests numbered approximately   2000. Since 2009, this new Parish Church was built by the contribution of the parishioners themselves helped by many organizations and enterprisers of Uganda. ‘’The dream has become true’’ said the new parish priest, in his speech.

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On the way back to School, boys of Don Bosco CALM expressed both joy and pain Monday 08/09/2014, morning as they were preparing to leave us, Don Bosco-CALM.  They woke up early morn 5.00 AM to wash themselves and put on their uniforms very well ironed. Some were long missing their classmates and were looking forward to seeing them again. However others were not that comfortable because want of all some scholastic materials such as: Shoes, out-fit, etc. It was yesterday that boys were given some available school materials. It is not at all possible to satisfy the needs of each boy. The Don Bosco-CALM community tries its best with the little financial means it has to satisfy their needs. Before they left us this morning, Fr. Rector gave some sound advice to them as a father would.  He entrusted each boy to the maternal care of Mary our Mother whose Birthday Feast is celebrated today Monday 08/09/2014. He invited them to be focused during this term, to work hard and improve their marks, to be exemplary in everything. “Please don’t ashame us” He asked them. At the same time Fr. Rector has apologized to the students who are missing one or another school items to be patient because of financial crisis in our CALM Community. He assured that he shall visit them very soon, ( especially those who stay in the boarding at Bombo St Mary’s Secondary School and Vocational Training Center of Kamuli) and provide to them those school materials which are wanting. There are some other students who didn’t go to school because of illness. They are under the medical care and we hope they will recover very soon.

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This Sunday 31st August 2014 at CALM Namugongo from morning 8.30 AM up to Evening 7.00 PM there was a meeting with our Past Pupils. Fr. Jean Marie MUSHIBWE the provincial delegate of Past Pupils in Uganda at the same time the Present Rector of Don Bosco CALM has invited the Past Pupils to meet with him. After invoking the Holy Spirit to strengthen the Past Pupils Association, he presented the new members of the community (Fr. Bosco, Fr. Elie and Br.Hubert). Twenty five members of the CALM Past Pupils Association were present.

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